Why React Native Used for mobile app development

mobile app development

React Native is an amazing tool for developing an open-source mobile app development created by Facebook and the community. You can create Android and iOS apps using the framework.

Using the application using native languages ​​such as Java, Objective-C, and C # will take a lot of time. And if you hire a specialist in these languages, it will cost you a lot of money.

So what can you do in this situation? You may choose React Native to create mobile app development for your business. But why have so many people been interested in this framework over the last few years? This is because this is a powerful, integrated tool for mobile app development that allows you to build high-quality mobile apps very quickly.

Let’s find out why you should choose React Native to upgrade your mobile app.

Amazing Performance

It may not be as fast as real applications built-in in native languages ​​such as Java, Objective-C, and C #. However, you will be closer to native functionality as it gives you native features such as image, view, and text.

React Native-based mobile application is not an HTML5, hybrid, or mobile web application. Instead, it is a real mobile app.

You can take your React Native application to the next level by customizing your app with native code. Yes, React Native lets you use native code, too. For maximum performance, you can create some features in your app using native code and other features with React Native.

Rich UI

React Native lets you create a unique, eye-catching UI using pre-built ad features, such as Picker, Button, Slide, Switch, and more. You can also create your categories with Touchable Native Feedback and TouchableOpacity. There are many iOS and Android components available to make it work well on Android and iOS phones.


iOS – ActionSheetIOS, AlertIOS, DatePickerIOS, ImagePickerIOS, ProgressViewIOS, PushNotificatoinIOS, SegmentedControlIOS, etc.

Android – DatePickerAndroid, DrawerLayoutAndroid, PermissionsAndroid, ProgressBarAndroid, TimePickerAndroid, ToastAndroid, ToolbarAndroid, ViewPageAndroid, etc.

Fast App Development

React Native gives you parts of the text, image, keyboard input, animation list, progress bar, animation, clipboard, link, and more. These components greatly speed up the mobile app development process, and the Hot Relocation feature also saves you a lot of time as it allows you to reload your app without resetting the entire code.

React Native libraries such as Redux (managing your app status) and Awesome React Native (list of components and demos) will also help you complete your task of developing a mobile application faster.

Development tools like Nuclide for writing code, Yoga for building materials, Sentry for errors and crash monitoring, and React Developer editing tools make the React Native development process much easier and faster. Other great React Native tools include VS Code, Ignite, Expo, and Bugsnag.

Cross-platform Development

Indigenous React app development services are world-famous with the development of a platform-based mobile app, React Native, a javascript framework created by Facebook based on a single code base. Code once, use everywhere. Save time and money by building cross-platform applications. But keep in mind that you still need to make some changes to the stadium.

The open-source framework from Facebook builds on the popular React JavaScript framework, which allows developers to build cross-platform iOS and Android apps using JavaScript. It is different from other JavaScript-enabled components (such as PhoneGap, Titanium, etc.) because, although the app works with JavaScript, the resulting UI is 100% native. This means you do not have to deal with the many compromises that are often associated with HTML5-based UI management. In my experience, the result is often separated from the native application. In this article, you will find an introduction to React Native and learn how to make the development environment more efficient and ready for testing.

Strong Community Support

More than 2,000 contributors with over 85,000 stars on GitHub.

Companies such as Callstack, Software Mansion, Microsoft, and Infinite Red contribute to this framework. You will find many React Native sections and libraries created by the developer community on sites like JS.coach and Native Directory.

Get help with StackOverflow, Reddit, or Codementor. You will always find someone to help you. You can also get support from the Reactiflux Discord community, the React Native Facebook Group, and the React Native Spectrum community.

Easy to Learn

See the code style from the Hello World program below. You can better understand the following code example if you understand the basics of JavaScript and React.

Official documents are clear and contain examples of codes. In addition to the official documents, you can also try the following for assistance.

  • A complete study of React Native + Hooks in Udemy
  • Indigenous Tutorial for Beginners on YouTube
  • Redux video tutorial
  • Selected list of example applications


The idea of ​​developing applications for all platforms using only one architecture seems far-fetched. However, React Native speeds up the process of creating applications on different sites, because multiple codes can be reused between them. The framework allows apps to reach up to 60 frames per second and have a beautiful native look and feel, which is enjoyed by users and developers.

With all the pros and cons in mind, it is not surprising that many companies opt for React Native in mobile app development. Let’s see why they did this and what the consequences were.

Major companies using React Native such as:

  • Facebook
  • Skype
  • Walmart
  • Airbnb
  • Uber Eats
  • Instagram
  • Wix
  • Tesla


Everything has its pros and cons. isn’t it?

I have talked about many positive aspects of React Native. But it has a few problems like the size of the app, memory leaks in Android apps due to unnecessary background processes, slower implementation of the app due to certain dependencies, and more. But you can manage and manage these issues to some extent.

You can reduce the size of the app by reducing the number of libraries and components used in the application. You can also compress images and configure app resources to reduce your app size.

You can solve the memory leak problem in the Android app by using scroll bars like SectionList, FlatList, and VirtualList. Avoid using ListView to remove memory leaks. To fix the problem of slow application launch, you have to reduce the amount of dependency on your app and you need to use the most efficient components.

Final thoughts

If you look closely at the pros and cons of React Native, you can understand that the benefits of this framework far outweigh the disadvantages. The problems you will see are not huge. The evils of this framework are ignored, as the benefits you will receive are very exciting and amazing.

The easy connection between React Native publishing and native publishing, which is useless in the Google Play Store, the ability to build TV devices, and integration with existing apps are some of the interesting features and benefits that come with this modern mobile app development tool. So, if you have plans to start and start a business or you already have a business established and you wish to have a significant impact on the entire web, you should first check out a reputable mobile development company.

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