When to avoid React Native for mobile app development

mobile app development

Cross-platform development is another great way to fully develop mobile applications. Following the usual mobile upgrade method, you create separate Android and iOS apps. Cross-platform upgrades allow you to reduce costs and save time by using the same code in both forums. The React Native framework is a growing mobile solution and is considered the future of the development of various mobile applications. In this article, we summarize the benefits of using React Native in mobile app development in different forums and tell you if it is not a good option.

React Native is an open-source framework that allows you to build a mobile application with JavaScript only. Introduced by Jordan Walke, Facebook software developer, as a new technology for easy development and better user experience. The main difference between this framework is that React Native applications operate as native applications. They are no different from Java, Objective-C, or Swift programs and use the same UI building blocks as native iOS or Android apps. While mobile app development using React Native apps is much faster and less expensive.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits and challenges of using React Native to improve mobile applications.

When React Native isn’t a good solution

Aside from the fact that React Native has been successful in mobile app development, it has some drawbacks. Recently, Airbnb and Udacity shared their experience using React Native and decided that this platform has many benefits but cannot be used effectively to build any type of mobile app.

#1 Immaturity

React Native is new, faster, and slightly older than iOS or Android. This can have a detrimental effect on systems. In general, React Native works well, but there are cases where its immaturity causes unexpected situations, which we will show you below:

  • The React Native framework is growing very fast and new updates are being released every week. Every new update has many changes, so developers need to update their operating systems regularly. Going for a few months without updating the app can have a detrimental effect. For example, Airbnb developers faced a challenge with React Native in developing their 2017 mobile app. They found it impossible to use 0.43 version React Native to React Native version 0.49 as they use React 16 alpha and beta.
  • In some cases, developers may not be able to limit coding to React Native only. They may need to use additional native code for components not compatible with React Native.
  • There are some cases where the React Native components work worse than the traditional ones. For example, with a long list. Users see these types of listings everywhere: tweets on Twitter, photos on Instagram, and Facebook post all in the app list. When these lists become too large and complex, it becomes more difficult to use them with React Native. React Native has a FlatList library that can work with long but unparalleled flexibility and maturity for common platforms such as UICollectionView (for iOS) and RecyclerView (for Android). Using traditional platforms in such cases is therefore considered more productive.

#2 JavaScript tooling

JavaScript is a highly flexible and dynamic programming language, but it is written in the soft language. Some mobile developers may suffer from insecurity, making it difficult to measure. As a result, developers have to accept other combinations such as TypeScript and Flow in existing infrastructure.

#3 Complex user interfaces

React Native is not a good mobile app development option that requires a lot of interaction, animation, screen modification, or complex touch.

However, there is a React Native touch response system that uses the life cycle of every touch in the app, when it comes to screens with complex physical features, developers may face some difficulties as the basic touch systems Android and iOS are very different in use. Integrated API.

#4 Initialization time

Even on high-end devices, it takes a few seconds to start operating time before React Native delivers for the first time. The reason is that the JavaScript series also requires time to get started.

#5 Open-source libraries

Knowing a few platforms is a challenge for a traveling developer, and it requires considerable time and effort. React Native libraries with native bridges, such as videos and maps, need a good understanding of the three platforms to function properly. If mobile developers only know one or two platforms, it can lead to a lack of information needed to resolve conflicts between Android and iOS.

Wrapping up

Summarizing the pros and cons of using the React Native framework for mobile app development, we can say that it can benefit almost 80 percent of businesses by saving a lot of time and money. React Native is the perfect solution for most use cases unless you have some platform issues. So, if you have plans to launch and start a business start-up or have a business already established and wish to have a significant impact on the entire web, you should start searching for a reputable React Native app development company.

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